I was invited by @rotring to be the guest artist of december. Thank you guys!

NN: I'm a 28 years old ginger french girl. My name is Nathalie Nierengarten, which means something like »garden of kidneys«. I spent my childhood in Meisenthal, a very little village in the east of France nearly Strasbourg which I'm in love with. Growing up in this place between blue tits, fir trees and glassblowers was just magical. Then, as I was big enough I used my wings, flew away and went to study illustration and graphic design in France, Germany and The Netherlands. Currently, I'm living in Saarbrücken, Germany where I'm lucky to work as an illustrator in a studio, "Bureau Stabil", with a group of friends. I love to photography on film, spend to much money for good food and red wine, thinking I'm Hildegard Knef in the shower and wish I could get a silkie chicken for christmas this year.
NN: Very often, what inspires me is just a feeling, a colour, a word. I'm very sensible with litlle things of life, little moments of luck made of nearly nothing like springing in a puddle of water with rainboots. My illustrations are a sort of mix between childhood, kitsch, glitter, gold, erotic, pink feather, a lot of patterns, monsters, glamour, sweetness, absurdity and ugliness. I'm fascinated by some kind of ugliness. For example a turkey bird—it's head is really hideous but really fascinating and beautiful at the same. I like to mix it with something very elegant. Usually I've got just an emotion, a vague image in my head or an association of colours and I try to put it on paper... in black and white!
NN: My favourite pen is a Rotring Isograph 0,13 mm. It's everything I need for my work: very thin line and extrem black ink. My Pen is very old, about 10 years and in the meantime composed by 3 different Rotring pens... My one and only!